efe 150 (ceanci) consolidated plan
From FY21 to FY24, CEANCI will facilitate and support district initiatives that incrementally decrease gaps of subgroups and special populations in academic performance indicators. FY18 academic performance baselines for completers identified at the district and region level will be used to compare annual data results from year to year to demonstrate increase in performance and the closing of subgroup gaps.
1A Provide each high school team with specific subgroup and special populations data as it pertains to local levels of performance; each school will identify a specific gap to address identified in district LNA
1B Support time, organization and professional development as it relates to decreasing academic gaps; system will offer integration of reading in CTE professional learning in year one specifically targeted at region area of improvement in CLNA
1C Provide platform for CTE teacher and Special Education teacher collaborations that are more in depth; beginning at three summer workshops business round table with embedded labor market data/in the field day tours of local industry/post-secondary day
1D Utilize grant funds for classroom aides, instructional materials and technologies; requested by district in grant
1E Provide professional learning opportunities for new teachers in the areas of foundational teaching practices, instructional coaching, and CTE lab management.
1A year 1 and continuing; review individual pre-post assessment data during end of year summary to determine next year focus; system will provide Integration of Reading workshop
1B year 1 and continuing; review individual pre-post assessment data during end of year summary to determine next year focus
1C year 1 and continuing; year 1 Manufacturing/Health Science/Transportation (local targets), year 2 Construction/Hospitality/Professional Business Services (local emerging), Information/Government/Agriculture (state approved)
1D already providing this strategy continuing; review individual end of year summary to determine next year focus
1E already providing this strategy continuing; encourage new teacher training/mentor connections at Business Round Table events
From FY21-24, CEANCI will facilitate and support districts activities designed to provide special populations as well as all students equal access to high quality CTE courses, decrease barriers and increase completion in pathways that lead to self-sufficiency. FY18 CLNA performance data will be used as a baseline for the number of regular student and special population completers with a goal of 5% increase on an annual basis.
2A Provide CTE teachers with information to support special populations; share best practices in CTE modifications to encourage more students to take CTE classes.
2B Work collaboratively with post-secondary to support pathway development as it relates to offering transitional math/English classes as core academic selections in scheduling progressions; as it relates to offering dual credit in CTE courses .
2C Support professional learning opportunities as it relates to diversity, cultural training, and special accommodations.
2D Send CTE teachers, counselors, special education in the field to see employment adaptions.
2E Support the development of strategies that increase student persistence within a pathway; creative credit recovery like job training and internships, offer more electives for freshman, remove prerequisites where possible.
2A year 2 and continuing; Spring grant planning sessions with CTE teachers
2B already providing this strategy continuing; continue to offer summer boot camp for dual credit instructors based on the adoption of dual credit courses at the region high schools
2C year 2; system professional learning offered as part of business round table day
2D already providing this strategy continuing; business round table summer workshop day 2 touring industry
2E year 1 and continuing
From FY21 - 24, CEANCI will facilitate and support districts in establishing region power standards that incorporate challenging state academic standards, technical knowledge and skills, and employability skills. Currently, no region-wide standards exist. The intention is to evaluate, research, prioritize, establish 10 sets of power standards annually.
3A Facilitate the alignment of IL Learning Standards, technical and employability competencies, PWR endorsement competencies across region pathways using multiple stakeholders.
3B Support time, organization and professional development as it relates to integrating all standards.
3C Share best practices with region as it relates to employability grading systems.
3D Continue to provide a bridge for education and business to collaborate on standards, equipment, facilities; develop a collaborative effort with Rock Valley college for advisories.
3E Utilize grant funds for instructional materials, equipment, software and technologies to execute all standards, competencies and skills.
3F Support the development/implementation of Education pathways at districts with large populations of special population students to ensure inclusion of underrepresented groups in the teaching profession
3A year 1 finish year 2
3B year 2 finish year 3
3C year 2 finish year 3
3D already providing this strategy continuing; gather business partner input on these topics during Business Round Table summer workshop on day 1
3E already providing this strategy continuing; review end of year summary results to determine next year focus
CEANCI will facilitate and support district initiatives to establish strong work-based learning continuums in approved career pathways. By FY24 80% of all region career pathways will have an established continuum; CEANCI will use established ISBE metrics to demonstrate growth in WBL student experiences.
4A Create region task force that will research collection systems and recommend placement data system for region use; support district level implementation and professional development.
4B Host region skill-based competitions.
4C Utilize internship/apprenticeship task force with the purpose of researching models and supporting school implementation of programs.
4D Support internal (in school) WBL continuum efforts; provide connections to business partners and coordinate activities and resources where appropriate.
4E Provide professional learning opportunities in the areas of industry - recognized credentials, learn and earn field experiences, and implementation of a work-based learning continuum.
4F Support districts in their efforts to use creative and innovative ways of expanding CTE programs and delivering instruction
4G Support districts in their efforts to capture and report CCRI data to the ISBE
4A year 3 finish year 4
4B already providing this strategy continuing; year one we are focusing on areas where remote competitions are possible Graphics and Business.
4C already providing this strategy finish year 2; already actively involved in region work, information to be shared at CTE Director meeting.
4D already providing this strategy continuing; new updated Business Partner, PWR endorsement areas, and remote learning resources on website to be shared with all stakeholders; focus this year on development and access to remote WBL activities including creation of videos for MFG Day
4E already providing this strategy continuing; review end of year summary results to determine next year focus
4F already providing this strategy continuing
4G already providing this strategy continuing
CEANCI will facilitate and support district activities that increase student career awareness, exploration and career development in grades 5-12. By FY24 100% of region middle schools will have lessons about career clusters to ensure approval of the 9 Quality criteria established by IL Perkins V plan; utilizing CLNA baseline metrics from the annual CTE Student Survey (for high school students), highly effective + effective rankings will move to at minimum 60% for all areas including informed career plans, informed college and/or training plans, encouraged high school completion, increased level of technical skills, and increased knowledge of career options.
5A Survey educators and report current practices of cluster training at each middle school; provide data, professional learning to appropriate educators.
5B Provide professional learning to middle and high school counselors as it relates to local labor market data, career guidance and development activities
5C Survey CTE instructors and report current practices in orientation courses as it relates to career opportunities; provide data, professional learning to appropriate educators.
5D Intentionally use non-traditional partners, students, testimonials, etc for career development activities to encourage new perspectives on career bias.
5E Support professional learning opportunities as it relates to advancing gender equity targeted at administration, counselors and CTE staff; embed in Business Round Table workshops and middle and high school counselor forums
5A year 3 finish year 3
5B already providing this strategy continuing; middle and high school counselor forums/collaborate with WIB
5C year 3 finish year 3
5D already providing this strategy continuing; middle and high school counselor forums/collaborate with WIB; provide 5-8 career exploration event called Career Caravan; develop and make accessible work based learning videos that tour local industry, career spot lights, and industry information to be used for remote learning purposes
5E year 3 continuing; review end of year summary to determine future gender equity training
CEANCI will manage, facilitate, and support district efforts to offer Quality Pathways in accordance with the Illinois Perkins State Plan. Baseline metrics for the percentage of career pathways meeting the 9- criteria will be established in the fall of 2020 for all region career pathways currently approved under the old 2-criteria system; By FY24 100% of region career pathways will be evaluated using the PQR and 80% will meet the 9-criteria requirements of an approved program.
6A Provide Quality Program of Study Training to all stakeholders; execute region PQR.
6B Audit all high schools for pathway course alignment - orientation, skill, advanced course offerings; work with district IT to update ISCS uploads.
6C Provide time for organization and implementation of competencies, credentials, dual credit opportunities.
6D Provide platform to share best practices, projects, aligned competencies, lesson plans, and assessments within each pathway area.
6E Work with Rock Valley College to develop career pathways with dual credit opportunities at the high schools.
6F Work with each high school to develop/implement all components of a quality program.
6A year 1 finish year 2
6B already providing this strategy finish year 1
6C year 2 continuing
6D year 3 finish year 3
6E already providing this strategy continuing; continue to coordinate activities with RVC Pathway Coordinators, advocate for schools in dual credit alignments, collaborate on Summer Boot Camp dual credit as new dual credit courses are adopted at the high school level
6F year 1 finish year 2; training at fall CTE Directors meeting to launch initiative with ISBE pilot for PQR
From FY21 to FY24, CEANCI will facilitate and support district initiatives that incrementally decrease gaps of subgroups and special populations in academic performance indicators. FY18 academic performance baselines for completers identified at the district and region level will be used to compare annual data results from year to year to demonstrate increase in performance and the closing of subgroup gaps.
1A Provide each high school team with specific subgroup and special populations data as it pertains to local levels of performance; each school will identify a specific gap to address identified in district LNA
1B Support time, organization and professional development as it relates to decreasing academic gaps; system will offer integration of reading in CTE professional learning in year one specifically targeted at region area of improvement in CLNA
1C Provide platform for CTE teacher and Special Education teacher collaborations that are more in depth; beginning at three summer workshops business round table with embedded labor market data/in the field day tours of local industry/post-secondary day
1D Utilize grant funds for classroom aides, instructional materials and technologies; requested by district in grant
1E Provide professional learning opportunities for new teachers in the areas of foundational teaching practices, instructional coaching, and CTE lab management.
1A year 1 and continuing; review individual pre-post assessment data during end of year summary to determine next year focus; system will provide Integration of Reading workshop
1B year 1 and continuing; review individual pre-post assessment data during end of year summary to determine next year focus
1C year 1 and continuing; year 1 Manufacturing/Health Science/Transportation (local targets), year 2 Construction/Hospitality/Professional Business Services (local emerging), Information/Government/Agriculture (state approved)
1D already providing this strategy continuing; review individual end of year summary to determine next year focus
1E already providing this strategy continuing; encourage new teacher training/mentor connections at Business Round Table events
From FY21-24, CEANCI will facilitate and support districts activities designed to provide special populations as well as all students equal access to high quality CTE courses, decrease barriers and increase completion in pathways that lead to self-sufficiency. FY18 CLNA performance data will be used as a baseline for the number of regular student and special population completers with a goal of 5% increase on an annual basis.
2A Provide CTE teachers with information to support special populations; share best practices in CTE modifications to encourage more students to take CTE classes.
2B Work collaboratively with post-secondary to support pathway development as it relates to offering transitional math/English classes as core academic selections in scheduling progressions; as it relates to offering dual credit in CTE courses .
2C Support professional learning opportunities as it relates to diversity, cultural training, and special accommodations.
2D Send CTE teachers, counselors, special education in the field to see employment adaptions.
2E Support the development of strategies that increase student persistence within a pathway; creative credit recovery like job training and internships, offer more electives for freshman, remove prerequisites where possible.
2A year 2 and continuing; Spring grant planning sessions with CTE teachers
2B already providing this strategy continuing; continue to offer summer boot camp for dual credit instructors based on the adoption of dual credit courses at the region high schools
2C year 2; system professional learning offered as part of business round table day
2D already providing this strategy continuing; business round table summer workshop day 2 touring industry
2E year 1 and continuing
From FY21 - 24, CEANCI will facilitate and support districts in establishing region power standards that incorporate challenging state academic standards, technical knowledge and skills, and employability skills. Currently, no region-wide standards exist. The intention is to evaluate, research, prioritize, establish 10 sets of power standards annually.
3A Facilitate the alignment of IL Learning Standards, technical and employability competencies, PWR endorsement competencies across region pathways using multiple stakeholders.
3B Support time, organization and professional development as it relates to integrating all standards.
3C Share best practices with region as it relates to employability grading systems.
3D Continue to provide a bridge for education and business to collaborate on standards, equipment, facilities; develop a collaborative effort with Rock Valley college for advisories.
3E Utilize grant funds for instructional materials, equipment, software and technologies to execute all standards, competencies and skills.
3F Support the development/implementation of Education pathways at districts with large populations of special population students to ensure inclusion of underrepresented groups in the teaching profession
3A year 1 finish year 2
3B year 2 finish year 3
3C year 2 finish year 3
3D already providing this strategy continuing; gather business partner input on these topics during Business Round Table summer workshop on day 1
3E already providing this strategy continuing; review end of year summary results to determine next year focus
CEANCI will facilitate and support district initiatives to establish strong work-based learning continuums in approved career pathways. By FY24 80% of all region career pathways will have an established continuum; CEANCI will use established ISBE metrics to demonstrate growth in WBL student experiences.
4A Create region task force that will research collection systems and recommend placement data system for region use; support district level implementation and professional development.
4B Host region skill-based competitions.
4C Utilize internship/apprenticeship task force with the purpose of researching models and supporting school implementation of programs.
4D Support internal (in school) WBL continuum efforts; provide connections to business partners and coordinate activities and resources where appropriate.
4E Provide professional learning opportunities in the areas of industry - recognized credentials, learn and earn field experiences, and implementation of a work-based learning continuum.
4F Support districts in their efforts to use creative and innovative ways of expanding CTE programs and delivering instruction
4G Support districts in their efforts to capture and report CCRI data to the ISBE
4A year 3 finish year 4
4B already providing this strategy continuing; year one we are focusing on areas where remote competitions are possible Graphics and Business.
4C already providing this strategy finish year 2; already actively involved in region work, information to be shared at CTE Director meeting.
4D already providing this strategy continuing; new updated Business Partner, PWR endorsement areas, and remote learning resources on website to be shared with all stakeholders; focus this year on development and access to remote WBL activities including creation of videos for MFG Day
4E already providing this strategy continuing; review end of year summary results to determine next year focus
4F already providing this strategy continuing
4G already providing this strategy continuing
CEANCI will facilitate and support district activities that increase student career awareness, exploration and career development in grades 5-12. By FY24 100% of region middle schools will have lessons about career clusters to ensure approval of the 9 Quality criteria established by IL Perkins V plan; utilizing CLNA baseline metrics from the annual CTE Student Survey (for high school students), highly effective + effective rankings will move to at minimum 60% for all areas including informed career plans, informed college and/or training plans, encouraged high school completion, increased level of technical skills, and increased knowledge of career options.
5A Survey educators and report current practices of cluster training at each middle school; provide data, professional learning to appropriate educators.
5B Provide professional learning to middle and high school counselors as it relates to local labor market data, career guidance and development activities
5C Survey CTE instructors and report current practices in orientation courses as it relates to career opportunities; provide data, professional learning to appropriate educators.
5D Intentionally use non-traditional partners, students, testimonials, etc for career development activities to encourage new perspectives on career bias.
5E Support professional learning opportunities as it relates to advancing gender equity targeted at administration, counselors and CTE staff; embed in Business Round Table workshops and middle and high school counselor forums
5A year 3 finish year 3
5B already providing this strategy continuing; middle and high school counselor forums/collaborate with WIB
5C year 3 finish year 3
5D already providing this strategy continuing; middle and high school counselor forums/collaborate with WIB; provide 5-8 career exploration event called Career Caravan; develop and make accessible work based learning videos that tour local industry, career spot lights, and industry information to be used for remote learning purposes
5E year 3 continuing; review end of year summary to determine future gender equity training
CEANCI will manage, facilitate, and support district efforts to offer Quality Pathways in accordance with the Illinois Perkins State Plan. Baseline metrics for the percentage of career pathways meeting the 9- criteria will be established in the fall of 2020 for all region career pathways currently approved under the old 2-criteria system; By FY24 100% of region career pathways will be evaluated using the PQR and 80% will meet the 9-criteria requirements of an approved program.
6A Provide Quality Program of Study Training to all stakeholders; execute region PQR.
6B Audit all high schools for pathway course alignment - orientation, skill, advanced course offerings; work with district IT to update ISCS uploads.
6C Provide time for organization and implementation of competencies, credentials, dual credit opportunities.
6D Provide platform to share best practices, projects, aligned competencies, lesson plans, and assessments within each pathway area.
6E Work with Rock Valley College to develop career pathways with dual credit opportunities at the high schools.
6F Work with each high school to develop/implement all components of a quality program.
6A year 1 finish year 2
6B already providing this strategy finish year 1
6C year 2 continuing
6D year 3 finish year 3
6E already providing this strategy continuing; continue to coordinate activities with RVC Pathway Coordinators, advocate for schools in dual credit alignments, collaborate on Summer Boot Camp dual credit as new dual credit courses are adopted at the high school level
6F year 1 finish year 2; training at fall CTE Directors meeting to launch initiative with ISBE pilot for PQR