get involved!
be a part of developing your future workforce!
Read through options below for your company
SHORT-TERM ACTIVITIESGUEST SPEAKER 30-45 minutes per class Speak to a group of students and teachers about your career, training and skills, or general business topics. COMPANY TOUR 1-2 hours Allow classes of students and/or teachers to view your facility and its operations. MOCK INTERVIEWING 1/2 to 2 hours Help students develop their interviewing skills and provide constructive feedback. ADVISORY DISCUSSIONS 1-3 hours Sit at the table with other industry professionals and school instructors and leaders to discuss trends and industry standards. COMPETITION JUDGING 1-6 hours Help judge student projects and provide constructive feedback. JOB SHADOWING 2-8 hours Allowing students to observe daily routines and activities in your facility/office. CAREER FAIR BOOTH 2-8 hours Participate in a career fair and promote your company with student-friendly activities and informational table/booth. |
MEDIUM-TERM ACTIVITIESCURRICULUM ADVISOR 1- 15 hours Consult with teachers and school leaders about industry trends to align curriclum to local industry needs. PROJECT ADVISOR 1- 15 hours (will vary) Provide support to students while they explore solutions to real-world and industry-standard problems and challenges. SERVICE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY 2-15 hours Provide students/job seekers an opportunity to give back to the community by allowing them to participate in a project at your company. SUMMER EXTERNSHIPS 1- 2 days Provide teachers with an opportunity to learn more about your organization, your industry, and the needs in the region. BILINGUAL SUPPORT 1- 15 days (will vary depending on need) Provide support to students and their families to overcome language barriers as they search for career options. |
LONG-TERM ACTIVITIESCOMMITTEE MEMBER 1-20 hours Participate in a variety of workforce development and career and technical education-focused committees. INTERNSHIPS & WORK EXPERIENCE 20-60 hours Hire current high school students to learn various jobs in your company to meet the work experience hours required for their school's capstone courses. Pay not required, but encouraged. SUMMER/PART-TIME WORK 60+ hours Provide students valuable work experience by working part time at your company. fill out the employer interest form below! |